Interesting fishing techniques seems to usually come from Japan, to no surprise really. I lately adopted Iso Tsuri, a japanese rock fishing technique using long but light rod and gear and absolutely love it and use it not just for rock fishing but anywhere I can.
Recently I was more and more interested in fly fishing. After few months reading and watching documents about fly fishing I discovered Tenkara, the fly fishing japanese way. Tenkara uses light (more or less 100gr) but long (usually 12ft) telescopic rods with fixed line (no reel, length varies from 10ft to 20ft). So you could basically hit the water with just a rod, a line and a fly.
I've always been attracted with smaller or lighter gears such as Iso Tsuri or the Pen Fishing Rods. And those also requires more finesse skills as opposed to rough ones where you would use heavy duty rods with big lines and sinkers.
I'm still in discovery mode and reading what I can trying to understand the system before buying something. But currently I'm limited budget wise so I will probably be looking on Aliexpress for my next Tenkara purchase of a 12ft 6:4 (light to medium) action rod. Then the following strp would be to start learning fly fishing which is totally new to me.